Hearts of iron 3 zombie mod
Hearts of iron 3 zombie mod

hearts of iron 3 zombie mod

But there are signs of trouble on the horizon, like that feeling you get after one too many tequila shooters. In Germany, a freak tornado destroyed a wooden radio mast, and in America, Parker Brothers released the game Monopoly. In England, returning Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin is settling in to another term in office. January 1936 sees Europe in a blissful slumber. Instead, I’ll play as opportunistically as possible. That being said, I’m not going to be rushing into joining Comintern as soon as I’m able as that will result in a royal ass kicking from the Germans and Italians.

hearts of iron 3 zombie mod hearts of iron 3 zombie mod

Instead, I’ll be semi-roleplaying and trying to advance Spain, survive WW2 and join the Communist Bloc. I won’t be playing through this AAR with the aim of taking over the whole world – I find that sort of game story a bit tedious. In this AAR I will be playing Spain from 1936 and taking them through the civil war and out the other side to join the glorious communist bloc! The Global Socialist Revolution has begun! Viva la Socialismo! A Few Thoughts Now that I’m 200 pages through various manuals, strategy guides, supplemental strategy guides, quick start guides and forum posts I’ve decided it’s time to write a Hearts of Iron 3 AAR.

Hearts of iron 3 zombie mod